some jerk boys threw a pot into my daughter's car window, completely destroying the driver side window. now this would be enough to make me a little irate, but to make matters worse, she was someplace that she probably should not have been. she decided that she would drive her friends to a party, which i am proud that she did not drink and drive nor let her friends drink and drive, but she went to this party without letting us know. the party is not a no-no in our house, i mean hey who doesn't enjoy having fun, but going to a party without letting us know where she is at is a huge no-no! how can i protect my eldest if i know not where she is. life is so full of craziness, i am clinging to the last few years of being able to sort of keep a wing over her and keep her from as much harm and hurt as i can. i know that i can't always do this, nor do i think that i should. it is good for her to "step in front of the bus" and get hurt once in a while, because this is how we learn as human beings, but i still want to know when the bus is going to hit her.
deb an i had to have one of those suck-ass parent to child discussions. i know i hated those from my parents and i am sure that she hates getting them from us... probably as much as we hate to give them. she is a typical 17 year old teenager... "life sucks and i am so confused". why is the chemical imbalance so horrid for a teenager? isn't it bad enough that you have about 80 million decisions to make on an hourly basis (of which you have no experience in making most of these decisions, other than if you want fries with that order) but your hormones are ragin! it is so hard to know what to say to make things clearer or easier. but then again, i think that is the way it is supposed to be, so she learns her own mechanism of how to deal with "life".
things have been a little shaky with her dude lately, so i gave him the parent talk too. i figured what the hell i have already shot my chance at parent of the week, why not try to eliminate me from the running for a year or more. i basically told him to be more respectful and thoughtful and more open with my child or i would bash his head in with a mallet. ok not really, i said i would use a hammer not a mallet. i think he got the idea, i hope that they will learn from this relationship and take away some better filtering skills and the ability to communicate with others of the opposite sex, of whom they probably want to have sex with, which complicates the whole thing even more.
i am so glad to be almost 40! no crazy hormones or dilemma regarding why life is so hard. at this age i have come to the conclusion that life is what you make it and all the hard times are counter balanced by the wonderful times and that sex once a month is ok and that hot, young 20 year old girl does not "want" your fat old ass. it is also good to know that i can make most decision based on experience and logic (found from many head bashing moments) and i really only have to worry about whether i want fries with that order. it is good to be me today, but i am sure if you ask my daughter she would say i sucked!