i stopped in to take my wife a coffee (RN on 6pm-6am)and met a new friend. i will call him joe and he is a drug addict. he is suffering with addiction and withdrawals and shakes terribly. he doesn't even know how he became an addict. really it wasn't his fault, he is a victim of society and innocent of any crime. how can this be you ask? well the sub human woman who gave birth to this friend of mine, who by the way, is only a month old, is a drug addict. she says she is not and she is being wrongly accused of harming this infant. oh, this is also her 4th child. why are some people allowed to reproduce? this bitch should not be allowed to have the blessing of children.i held this boy as he shook and writhed in obvious pain. i couldn't help but feel so bad for this little person, who should not have had to start life this way. i kept thinking about how hard the world and life are without starting your first day as a junky. i held him for over an hour and fell in love with him. maybe it was compassion, maybe anger or maybe something that i have no idea about, but i needed to love him and hold him. i had a very bad day (see previous post)and he changed my day completely. i had to love him because i am not sure he will get any of that as he grows into his life.joe, may God watch over you, keep you and give you an unbelievable sense of self and love so you may rise above your beginnings.
i think that today i am relieved that we cannot "legally" carry fire arms. if it were legal i most certainly would have terminated a few stupid idiots today! i think i must have over-slept or something because i hated everyone today. i should have just stayed in and not done the world today. why do we have days like that sometimes? i mean it wasn't just one or even a couple of people - i wanted to blast the hell out of several dozen! people can be so rude and inconsiderate and you hope they might see that they have been rude, but then they would have to speak english to say sorry! i think i will go to the store now (my last adventure for this shit day) and buy some good beer, maybe fat tire, and plug in a movie and try to forget that this day happened. if i fail to forget, at least i will have treated myself to some good beer and hopefully a decent movie...
i received this in an e-mail with the line: i'll be back! now if that does not scare the hell out of you something is wrong. when are people going to realize that we have got to stop with the hand-outs, stop illegal immigration and stop wasting money on useless & unproductive legislation?ok i am done from the soapbox. but, to be perfectly honest i am getting rather tired of all the politics in this country. it seems that they spend more time yelling about the other "party" and pointing the finger at the other "party" instead of pulling their head out of their asses and making laws that are good for this country as a whole and not just good for some small group in the middle of nowhere, simply because they had a better lobbyist or their backwater representative was able to sneak some stupid thing in the bottom of another bill.i stepped on the box again didn't i. ok, i am down again. i just wish we had not let ourselves (this country) spiral down to what we are becoming. for example, do we or do we not still consider ENGLISH to be our language of choice here? why do we spend, err, i mean waste, millions of dollars printing everything in a gazzilion different languages? everywhere i go anymore everything is in spanish. why the hell do we have to cater to people who do not learn english? do you think any other country would do the same for us? hell no, if i move to mexico, i had better learn spanish or i am in for a world of hurt.oh man, i did it again. ok, really, i am stepping down. no, really! but doesn't it just piss you off when...
i just love how my 13 yr old thinks. she wears her heart and life on her sleeve. if she thinks it, she says it. if she says it, she feels it. i hope that she can retain that honesty as a grown up. it seems that the older i get the more cynical i become. i say less of what i am thinking because i feel few will listen. it sucks getting old sometimes. i love my children
i have been away from home for 13 days straight. that is a long time to be away. i was in colorado for 8 days and wyoming for 5 days. this blog has really helped me stay "attached" to my world while i am away. the other thing i do to stay connected with my wife is video conference. we get on msn and watch each other and talk it is really cool. thank goodness for high speed connections!this has not been much of a post,but i just wanted you to know that i am glad to be home for a few days.i was supposed to go camping at the beach for my daughters spring break, but the forcast is for rain all 4 days that we were going to be there, so we are not going. i am pretty bummed because i was looking forward to a few days in my trailer at the beach.also, i have picked up some new reader - welcome and please feel free to comment anytime.
i was asked if i thought that the girls on DOND was chauvinistic. maybe it is with the "hi howie". to be honest i never thought about it, i just like the retarded people who don't take a good thing via greed. anyway, i got this e-mail and thought it was fitting for chauvinism. althought it is almost true, i do get the meat ready and i put the alcohol down long enough to know that my meat is on fire (hello, i am a man and should know about my meat):After four long months of cold and winter, finally spring arrives and with it, BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking ritual as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.
When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:
1. The woman buys the food.
2. The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.
3. The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.
Here comes the important part:
More routine:
5. The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
6. The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation.
Important again:
More routine:
8. The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table.
9. After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
And most important of all:
10. Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.
11. The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off." And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing her!