

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I'm still thinking about it. The Blog-a-sphere. I always think I have something to say or something to get off my chest, but never seem to make it to my computer.

Besides, mostly I am so pissed off at my government that that is all I want to bitch about, yet I have lost so much energy arguing with idiots, that I have nothing to say. Look, the dumb-ass liberals have even made me carry on with a run-on sentence. Bastards!! I have yet to find a lefty that can debate intelligently without vile slams at the right. Vitriol used to not get you very far, but that seems to be the agenda of the day and common sense a bit passe.

So, what have I been doing? Working mostly. I still travel 12 states. I still hate flying (the process, not the action!) and I spend more nights in a hotel than at home. I still complain about how much my wife ignores me and she just ignores my grievances. My kids are out of the house now, which leaves us no one else to speak to; yet we listen less. The dog likes it when I talk to her, but her lack of a solid language and ability to read limits our chats.

I just had a new Grandson. Well, I didn't "have" him, actually my daughter did, but in any case, he is here Liam Albert. Not sure where they got Liam from and Albert was his Grandfather's name. I'm going to call him Bud. I told my Granddaughter, whom I call P'nut (she is 5 going on 25), that I was going to call him Bud and she said "you can't call him that!". I said "why not, I call you P'nut. What do you want me to call him Walnut?" She said "yeah, that would be good, call him Walnut!" Bud works.

Well better go to bed. I have a motocross race in the AM. At least I was able to get more that 10 words out this time.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014