

Saturday, January 08, 2005


i have some good news for a change. that dumb fucking dog that my wife got finally took a shit outside without me throwing her out the door!!!!!!!!!!! i know this because i watched her sniffing around the garage (the one of two places she lazily prefers to crap - the other is the house of course). she sniffed around, smelling the bleach water that i just got done spraying all over the floor of the garage (to hide the smell of her previous gazillion other piles of crap), and then she proceeded to go out the dog door and shit outside. it was a banner event in our house. i still can't stand the dog because she is really stupid, but it was a step in the right direction for a change.


Unknown said...

I cant stand stupid dogs either. We have a lab, who is a genius. We got a second dog about 2 years ago. I swear it had down-syndrome or something. I had to give it away. She was driving me crazy with her stupidity.

stacy said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you may have some rage issues relating to this dog.