A man entered the bus with both of his front pockets full of golf balls,
and sat down next to a beautiful (you guessed it) blonde.
The puzzled blonde kept looking at him and his bulging pockets.
Finally, after many such glances from her, he said,"It's golf balls".
Nevertheless, the blonde continued to look at him thoughtfully and finally,
not being able to contain her curiosity any longer, asked,
"Does it hurt as much as tennis elbow?"
Speaking of golf balls, once the American ambassador was going to play golf with the Japanese President. The night before the game he decided to partake of one of the finest Tokyo houses of ill repute.
While things were getting really steamy the girl started yelling "okimayo du okimayo du", which made the American feel like he had been really impressive.
The next day the Japanese President scored a hole-in-one on the fourth hole. The American wanting to impress decided to yell out the Japanese words of excitement he had learned the evening before. He started yelling "okimayo du okimayo du!"
A hush fell over the crowd and everyone stared at the ambassador with a scornful look. Finally the interpretor asked, "What do you mean he got it in the wrong hole?"
LOL...thats too cute....I love a good laugh first thing in the morning...have a great day!!
:)Just me
COMPLETELY unrelated -- I'm trying my best to add your blog to my feed reader but the address refuses to work. Do you have a feed url set up at all?
i have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. maybe rw can help. how do i get a feed url?
i feel so dumb!
hun, to publish your feed, login to blogger, go to "settings," then click on "site feed." under the "publish site feed" drop-down put "yes."
I've been trying to add you to my BlogLines for awhile too...
what is "bloglines"??? what does that do?
BTW, where the hell have you been? leave us with vibrating razors...
bloglines is a site that lets you submit all of your favorite blogs, and it shows you which ones have updated...as long as the blog has the site feed turned on.
I was just lazy all weekend...but I had to leave you with something about vibrating :-)
ok i am a site feeder or whatever.
sweet...now I can add you :-)
Now THAT'S what I call service! Thanks to Ash for making sense of my gibberish and giving you instructions you could actually use! ;)
now nicole, you know i love your gobbly goop gibberish. you spoke fine, i just never knew about such a thing. i sent ash an e-mil asking how to use this service so i know when new posts are done. i always just go to everyone's manually and check if things have changed. no wonder you all are so fast and i sit here for hours, my ass growing into the fabric of my chair!
Aww man, now I am concerned. I think I linked you today, dude-but I wonder...
Do you know Mr. and Mrs. Snowman don't have any kids?
Because Mr. Snowman has snow-balls.
Do you know why Santa and Mrs. Claus don't have any children?
Because Santa only comes once a year and its usually down the chimney.
***OK, let me go see if I added you properly!
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