

Thursday, January 24, 2008

really i'm not dead...

it has been some time since i have been here. i got burnt out on sitting on my ass in front of a computer...writung, reading, commenting, thinking, drinking and getting fat! i think i will try to come back once in a while and write for myself. if you've made it here, maybe you made a mistake or you are an old blog friend, but in any case, i am going to write what is on my mind. if you are a liberal democrap, may i suggest you stop now and never return because you will not like my opinion. and it is just that MY OPINION! not everything that i believe can be proven or backed up with some resonable fact, but it is the way i think about it. don't like it, don't read it.

future thoughts

- illegal immigration
- useless liberal agenda of wasteful spending
- iraq
- taxes
- marriage
- death (is that considered the same thing?)
- travel/hotels/bad food
- any other bit of shit i care to discuss.

now... i am spent. this is a lot of typing for my first post back.


Melody said...

I was just thinking the other day what your thoughts were on the current political horizon. So glad to have you back. We may not always agree, but I always enjoy reading.

Don't be a stranger.

mgc said...

hi mk, thanks for stopping over again. as for not always being in agreement, that is one of the great things about what country we have left... it is our right to agree to disagree.

take care nad i will stop by your place and say hi.