Muslim Heaven, July 24, 2006
Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, killed by US Forces in Iraq a few weeks ago, has just met with the first of his 72 virgins that Allah promised !!!
Daily News reporter Jack Hoff captured THIS exclusive photo of Mr. al-Zarqawi with his first virgin.
Allah is very loving!
I thought the translation of the Koran turned out to be 72 raisins. I bet the Zarqman wishes it would have been about now.
she would look like a raisin if only she had a tan!
allah is so good to his people!
Teresa Heinz (she dropped the name Kerry November before last) has an arthritis remedy that involves eating seven white raisins that have been soaked in gin.
I'm not sure why I'm bringing this up, but your untanned raisin mental picture doesn't fit unless this was one huge vat of gin.
*bowing* i'm not worthy... i'm not worthy...
Zarqawi gets to Paradise and is met by George Washington. George Washington slugs him in the face. Then John Marshall comes up and does the same....and then Robert E. Lee and Sam Houston and Henry Clay and George Mason and John Smith and Nataniel Bacon and Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson...and they all punch him in the face. Allah shows and up and Zarqawi ask him what gives. He thought he was supposed to get 72 virgins when he got to Paradise. Allah says: "You thought I said 72 virgins? I said 72 Virginians."
Judging by that pic, he was met by all 72 virgins at the same time. damn, that your dream woman?
I have ever told you how good yogurt is?
We will be at Big Meadows August 3rd through the 7th. You should come up!
bv - funny, coming from a virin, er.. virginian.
ash - come on, you know its you not that unskilled virgin who fills my dreams! ;-)
mw - yogurt? thanks. leaving for iowa just after your camping. where is big meadows?
@@ - i love how environmentally aware you are. next!
HOLY crap! NOT what I expected to see.
allah crap maybe, ~d
Big Meadows is about an hour and half away. It is up in the Sequoia National Park, off the 180. The cool thing is, it is actually in the National Forest, so its free to camp and you can ride dirt bikes, and hunt. Its great fishing too.
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