you know sometimes i wonder how important it is to be successful. now, i don't mean rich and living high on the hog, i mean just being successful at living. i look around and see all the wonderful "things" that i have in my life. i am spoiled rotten! i over indulge. i over spend. i over do and am overdue in many things (not financial, more like spraying weeds and hanging screen doors). i often wonder at what price do we consider ourselves successful? is it after we have the big house? the fancy new car? the harley in the garage? kids that aren't high on drugs and in trouble with the law? or can success be measured by how content you are in your heart? is the person who has everything happier and more complete than the person who is happy in their heart with what they have and where they are at? we get so caught up in possessing things that we don't remember what it was like to not have those possessions. i am not saying that i want to go backwards or throw my lifestyle away, so i can live like a pauper. i simply want to be able to take a step back and view my life as the blessing it is and remember that i am so fortunate to be able to "have" things. but i also want to remember that those "things" do not make the man and do not fulfill me as a human being.

this photo is the license plate on my harley. this is something i should remember a little more often. OVERBLESSED!
thanks for stopping by my blog. I think I'm smitten. You write what I feel and how I think. I hope you had a great weekend!
welcome to my world. smitten is good! i like your place too!
week-end was fun, me and the mrs. (a county music fan like you) rode the harley all day until she had to go to work. somebody has to pay for my toys!
were you number 2000 on my counter?
I'm 2005!
After my post from Friday, I sort of felt like spoiled brat.
Yes, we are fortunate...but what makes us even more fortunate than the possensions we own are the people that love us and are in our lives. Possesions aren't what make us blessed...it's love.
i agree completely. it is about the love in our life and the people who love us. i should have mentioned that in my post, but i was really picking on myself for having too much stuff and wanting more. that is a wrong idea nd something i want to curb.
i am thankful for your love sister wife. thank you for pointing this fact out - you are wise beyond your years!
You are welcome brother husband.
My mother calls me her old soul.
I'm a minimalist, personally. I'm not big on "stuff." Clothes, well, that's another story. But, I only allow myself to shop at Target. I just can't see the reasoning in spending a lot of money on stuff like that. If I had more money to spend, I'd probably be singing another tune.
At least you can recognize your faults, although..beyond giving your money to charity I don't know what you'd do with it. You can't take it with you. That is for sure. Enjoy it while you can. Spoil your kids while you can. Keep on keepin' on!
now i like your mom too! old soul, that is good.
we love target - this is the wife's favorite store!
and yes i am my own worst critic! if i have a fault (so many) i will find it and i do everyday!
as for money. i am a big believer in that motto - you can't take it with you, so enjoy today, because it may be your last. we are spoiled, my whole family. well, maybe i should stick with the plate and say we are "overblessed" not spoiled. and we do give to charity and we have a "daughter" in thailand that we help with her education. she is really cute and she sends us great drawings.
ok... ramble, ramble, ramble...
Amen Brother!
We have way tooooo much stuff. Sometimes I think about moving into the mountains of Arizona and living "off the grid" out in the middle of nowhere.
Then my cappacinno machine goes off and I wake up.
funny how dreams can seem so real! enjoy the joe.
yes, my wife does love me enough to poison me with that shitty health food!
i love to camp also, but i call it rv-ing since i have a trailer. we are leaving on thurs morn to do some dirtbiking... well i'm not riding - banged up the ankle pretty good, so i will have to sit this one out. maybe i can talk my daughter into getting some "air" and i will photog! hey and by the way, congrats on the A on your paper - good job!
I agree, you and Lisa should be able to have long talks about deep issues. It's funny how I knew you guys would get along right off the bat. That's why I like you so much mgc. This is a really good post....made me go to that far away place in my mind. I am blessed as well!!
well thank you for all the compliments. lisa does sound pretty fun. i am glad that this post was not too much.
Its not the stuff what somebody has to make a person, but there are many people in this world who think it is important to have everything and a little more than the neighbor has.
To me, I am blessed with two healty children... what can I ask more fore?
healthy children are truly a wonderful blessing. as is the love of family and friends. i guess i just don't want to become that person who looks to see if i am keeping up with the neighbors. i want to always remember that those "things" are not that important in the big picture of life and well being. thanks for stopping by.
Maybe your next license plate should say ovrweight?
Ha just kidding. I ended up posting a simalar post on over indulging. Kinda.
When are we going camping? Big Meadows was awesome last week.
It's all about being content in your heart.
well it is not as if we are sleeping on the ground. i am too old for that shit. i will post a pic of "goliath" and some dirtbiking when i return.
are saying i am fat! you bastard, i resemble that remark! i want to try for a week-end in july, maybe morro bay or pismo coast village. i have to look at schedules.
exactly! congrats on the dude. i hope that it continues to go well.
I think that is something we all should remember...When I complain about bills and stuff, in the big scheme of things, what matters is who we love, who loves us, and being with them...thanks for the reminder...
:)Just me
Thanks, me too!
uh oh...I hope Lisa isn't replacing me as your blogger crush. You know that I have been a "smitten" kitten for a while :-)
ashie no one could ever replace you. you were my first!
how was your trip? i am leaving early am tomorrow until monday. bought a new dirtbike today and must go try it out!
smitten kitten? i know what really makes you purrrrrrr!
I'm stil wondering.....when your going to post again!
I'm sorry you don't like me.
I think you should change your liscense plate from Ovrblsd to Ovrsexd.
Egan is such a pot stirrer. (I heart pot stirrers.)
We're waiting.......
Where are you?
I feel the same say, buddy. Many times I get annoyed or aggravated only to realise life is short and I am quite lucky to have all that I do.
weed - i am back, so soon!
egan - when did i say i didn't like you? i mean you like richard simmons, my idol, and you play soccer and give strangers rides home.... what's not to like?
00 - air conditioning..... also, if you think of rust as a simple mineral, it's not half bad.
bv - whatever... maybe undrsxd... or maybe, if it will fit... let's see... nonexistantsexlife of a fortyyearoldhornynonvirginbastardlookingforlovefromhisflatlinerwifewhohelovestremedously.... oh, i guess that is a little long to fit on a license plate. sorry.
pants - egan doesn't stir, he smokes! (don't tell him, but i heart him too! he makes me laugh)
lisa - been on vacation. you'll see, don't lose faith sista!
barry - thanks man.
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