no, it's not the butt floss she is wearing, although it is nice, it's the monster energy drink she is sporting that is my interest. i was given one of these as a sample at the thunder run motorcycle rally a year ago and i have been a junkie ever since. i drink 2 or 3 a day. the can says to drink responsibly and limit your consumption to no more than 3 cans. how are they going to sell more of this stuff if they limit how many cans we can have. so what if you walk around all day with a cool caffeine buzz and the shakes. gimme my monster drink, man! i buy them, well, my wife buys them at costco for me by the case.(i never buy anything; i haven't seen a paycheck in almost four years!)
i know this is probably not the most healthy drink i could consume from morning til mid day, but i can't stop. i need it! i want it! i gotta have it!
i don't drink coffee. i love the smell of freshly brewing coffee, but the taste is something i equate to eating wetted dirt. i have tried to be cool and learn to like it, so i could hang out at the damn coffee place on the corner and not be ridiculed. i've tried it black, with sugar, with cream, with sugar and cream. i've tried those damn $187.54 cups of starbuck's coffee with weird names like macchiato and latte. i wanted to gag. it would have been quicker and more cost effective for me to lick the bottom of my shoe... tastes the same.
so gimme, gimme, gimme my monster energy drink. i wake up; i want one. i have breakfast; i want one. i am thirsty before lunch; i gotta have one. i don't drink them in the evening though. i did that once and stayed up for 22 hours, slept 2 and started all over again, this time ceasing by 3pm. there is one draw back and that is that my wife will not kiss me if i have had one to drink in the last 20 min or so, because the smell makes her want to vomit. this is a conundrum; kiss - monster? monster - kiss?
"hey honey, pick me up another case of monster...."
LOL... I have never even tried the stuff...my daughter on the other hand loves the stuff...at 16 she's already a caffeine addict...I am partial to the new Vault...tho, I drink the Vault Zero...its goooood stuff, I say...
As for the coffee...well..I think everyone that knows and reads my blog can attest...I LOVE IT!!! Hell, my avitar alone speaks for me..
Take care
:)Just me
I don't particularly care for that brand, but I have that brand of condoms. I shit you not. We went to this bar and they were promoting it and they had monster condoms. They said stuff like "Release the beast." Hysterical. I wonder if I still have them. I should take pictures of them and post them.
My fav. energy drink is Sobe Adrenilin Rush. It tastes the best. To me anyway.
i noticed your avitar was a coffee cup....so, i guess it was safe to assume that you love the stuff.
you know as my sister wife, it is ok that you prefer a different brand than me. variety adds to the spice of life. oh, and the condoms, please do take a picture. i would love to see that and yes that is one of their sayings... unleash the beast! i guess if it fits wear it!
Nice ad.
I never gave them permission to use that pic of me!! Damn them!
I still love the original- Red Bull. And I'm one of the few people that actually likes the taste of the stuff- I know, I'm a freak (but we already knew that, didn't we?)
thanks getalife. itis nice to see you appreciate the finer things.
when something is this hot... it is public domain. you photograph very well.
you know that is the one energy drink i have not tried. the damn cans seem too small and somhow i feel cheated. i don't really care for theother brands, just monster. maybe i will try a red bull. although, as you know i like motocross. i like ricky carmichael and he is a monster guy. red bull sponsors bubba stewart and i don't really care for him. so i love monster!
never tried Red Bull??? how is that possible? seriously, it's great with vodka- especially raspberry Stoli.
i know i am a weakling! i am not a big drinker. i have a terrible stomach for just about anything. i have to stick with wine, beer or sissy drinks like mike's hard lemonade, of which i am partaking of now.
while i am a little buzzed and brave, let me tell you that the picture of MM makes me horny everytime i see it! good choice!
haha...nothing wrong with having a low tolerance- it just means you are a cheap drink like me!
and thank-you...I happen to love MM (and have been told I have a lot in common with her) :-)
I meant a cheap drunk, not a cheap drink.
see...I've been drinking and now I can't type!
i am a cheap drunk! i am too big of a flirt to get too drunk because i would for sure get myself into trouble! what are you doing home on a friday night?
This is false advertising. I've been staring at this g-string for hours and it IS NOT busted!
Niacin makes my skin crawl so I can't partake in any of those energy drinks often, but Ash is right about the taste of Red Bull especially with vodka.
Dakota Fanning's little sister (Montana?) is a huge MM fan and once made Dakota keep bidding until she bought an empty makeup container for her that was supposed to have belonged to Norma Jean.
Does anybody know where we can get our hands on a bunch of empty things from the 50's?
Now let's see...type? golf?... type? golf?...
Golf! See you all later.
happy golfing rw!
I haven't ever tried an energy drink of any kind, but I bet they are good - especially if they have as much sugar as I imagine they do! I would be willing to try it sometimes - especially if they gave away free posters like that one.
(coming to you via Anita)
and you say I should lay offa so much caffeine?!
This is the post I totally needed to see...HAHAH!
Do you have a my space account? I
yep this is the reason i am addited. this was the girl who gave me my first...
via anita, kind of sounds like the name of a musical. welcome. unleash the beast!
yes i do, but only so i can spy on caity. i haven't really figured out how it all works...spend too much time here.
Rock on-consider it unleashed.
that was very funny, butt you should find words for your thoughts, butt if you can't i understand, butt please try.
So if your wife thinks they smell bad, do you think they taste bad too?
And if so, why the hell are you drinking them?
no way, i love the taste! although, they taste very "cough syrupy" if they get hot (left one in the car on a hot day... yuk!)
"i am too big of a flirt to get too drunk because i would for sure get myself into trouble"
sweety, you don't have to worry about getting yourself into trouble w/the flirting- especially when it's with someone who's so far away.
that is true you are far away, butt (trying to stay with the theme) i could get out of hand and then you would think i was a crazy stalker or some perv. and how would my wife feel if i was hitting on other hot women? i am old and can only handle 1 hot woman at a time... besides, she buys me monster energy drinks!
but, i will still flirt with you cause it is fun and you are far away.
ok, sweety- time to update. I'm getting tired of seeing my fabulous ass at the top of your blog.
your wish is my command. i was at my grandmothers last night and she only has dial-up and i couldn't take the slowness. sorry to keep you up on my post, but when someone's ass is as wonderful as yours is, why create new posts?
damn girl, why would you delete me? that really hurt. i cried for 2.3 milliseconds! anyway, let me know about your new club, i will unplug my caffeine drip IV and attend. since i would imagine that you will hold these meetings in atlanta, will you be serving coca-cola?
I just LOVE the term butt floss, it's hilarious!!
Okay, just keeping an eye on this post to make sure you aren't say too much bad shit about Starbucks. The price of coffee there allows employees all employees that work 20 hours a week to get full benefits. It's tough to find another company that does that. Just saying. Yep, my wife does work there.
i am fine with them sharing in the wealth at starbuck's, my daughters boyfriend works there and my wife should be a heavy share holder. i just am not cool enough to hang there. although i have finally found something there i like - passion tea/lemonade mix over ice. i don't care for hot drinks of any kind. freak i know.
You don't have to be cool to hang there. Hey, that's good that you found a yummy cold drink. Might I suggest a green tea lemonade as well? In a couple weeks there will be a couple more new drinks that should make you very happy. Peace out.
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