A 3-year-old boy examined his testicles while taking a bath.
"Mom", he asked, "Are these my brains?"
"Not yet," she replied.
i thought that you ladies would enjoy this very poor joke! i am sorry if you were smacked in the face by it's bluntness. i am unclear as to why this humor has been thrust upon us. i know it would be funny if it had a few inches of truth. i probably should have just sacked it, instead of letting this poor humor simply limp along.
have a nice day!
Blogger is still haunting you. All your text is the same color as the background - I accidently figured out if I highlighted it, I could read it.
I guess blogger is run by pricks - ha ha.
hey, I didn't have any trouble reading it. It's super funny btw. Also, do you take the pictures that you post? Like this one? If you do, those are very cool.
Love and Hugs,
Spinner Lisa
mk99 - pricks, that's a stiff one!
sl - glad you could see it. i do not take all the pics that i post. most are stolen from google, but i have posted some of my own. they are not nearly as good as the pictures you have taken, esecially at the beach. loved the one with the fallen tree on the beach. this is mine as is this
mgc - it seems Blogger has been giving you the shaft lately...get it? Shaft? Heh heh heh
So many penis jokes, so little time!
is that your lovely bathroom? I thought a germphobe like you would have a hard time letting things get that dirty !
those are both very cool pictures. you are talented
Yes, I have to agree that this one's particularly hilarious.
Wow, what a coincidence that we both happened to post about tubs today. Great minds... ;)
barry - i get it, butt i don't really get it thankfully,ok.
ash - that would not be my bathroom! you should have known better than to lay that one on me. i have a house keeper who bends over regularly to keep my place clean! i often go down to inspect for germs because i do not want them blown around my head. so stick that in your dirty bathroom!!!
sl - i have no talent but thanks for blowing up my ego. it is nice to be loved for something. i write bad poetry as well as take dorkus pictures!
ng - i think subconsciously i stole the tub idea from you. thanks! i got the joke from e-mail on sat butt had no computer to post on until today.
Thanks, I needed that.
brooke - my lovely teacher freind... one is glad to be of service!
I can't see a damn thing.
You men and your brains. However would you live without them?
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