Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place.
Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers!
What the hell-the attendants have gotten old and haggard looking. They don't even serve food anymore, so what's the loss?
The strippers would at least triple the alcohol sales and get a "party atmosphere" going in the cabin.
And, of course, every businessman in this country would start flying again, hoping to see naked women. Because of the tips, female flight attendants wouldn't need a salary, thus saving even more money.
Hell, I suspect tips would be so good that we could charge the women for working and have them kick back 20% of the tips, including lap dances and "special services."
Muslims would be afraid to get on the planes for fear of seeing naked women. Hijackings would come to a screeching halt, and the airline industry would see record revenues.
This is definitely a win-win situation if we handle it right, a golden opportunity to turn a liability into an asset.

everything myself?
Bill Clinton
lmao!! too funny ...i love it
hahahahahah....that is just good stuff, man....thanks for that...but seriously...what a thought...
:)Just me
it probably is the best idea clinton ever had. it's the first i agree with. i guess great pervs think alike!
leave it to Bill Clinton to think of something so clever...you know Dubya wouldn't have thought of that- he can barely tie his shoes. :-)
for you mgc .... im requesting an application :)
@@ - no way! the pilots union would love me because i would get them closed circuit tv of the cabin piped right into the cockpit (pun here - sorry). plus i would give them a raise (not that kind, @@ you perv), but only if they will stop drinking on the job.
ash - that may be true, but at least he knows how to keep his fly zipped up! shoes are not required to have character! ;-0
kim - aren't you in cali, i will hand deliver and since you are the first to sign up, i will make you the captain of breast patrol. ;-) ..............(where in cali do you live?)
I have bigger boobs than you.
yeppers im in lovely stockton ...dont get all jealous now lol
if im captain of the breast patrol does that mean i get a set of those cute lil wings?
and im pretty sure blonde vigilantes boobs are bigger ... if not perkier :)
anita - stealing from bill doesn't bother me so have at it! i like how you think!
bv - now sister wife, i would hope that youhave bigger boobs than me, i'm a dude. if you are saying bigger than captain of breast patrol kim, then i will have to step aside, for i do not want to get in the middle of breasts at this time. would you like an application as well?
kim - ohhhh, i'm sorry (stockton) ;-) i kow stockton well, i used to make sales calls up there. i am not far in visalia, just down the 99. actually i went thru stockton on the 4 on my way up to chico.
anyway, with regards to your wings, most definately you will get a set. the only problem is they only come in tasle form, sorry. and if you read the above comment, i am not getting in between your breast with bv at this time.... maybe later!
That's hilarious. I definitely did not see the "from Bill Clinton" part coming.
Send me an application--I'm pretty sure I'd make more at this an I will at my first job. haha!
what's wrong with Clinton not being able to keep his fly open? you say that like it's a bad thing!
beth - i asked the breast patrol captain to send one out ASAP!
ash - i have no time to explain CHARACTER now. i am not at all saying getting a hummer under a desk is a BAD thing, but maybe under the desk in the White House while you are supposed to be running a fucking counrty is a little bit much.
you clinton lover! ;-P i thought we were not supposed to talk politics, hum?
good call on the belittling comment dick lips...
dinero - thanks for stopping by. you are very classy!
Is this the part where she talks about flotation devices?
How soon can we book flights? COUNT me in! Nekkid womens are sexy!
rw - excellent idea. i feel that we must incorporate that into our onn board presentation.
~d - you want a job or you just want to take the journey? we are always looking for good help.
Count me in! I could be a flight attendant!
ash - you will earn your pink wing tassels too! application is on the way!
hehe...pink wing tassels. I do love pink. What do I have to do to apply? just fill out the app? Or will you need pictures and references as well?
Genious level right there!! Really.
If you can get BV to show her tits-I will too! Then you can have a blonde and a not blonde. (boy, that sounds really blonde! Maybe I should stick to just flying...)
safe travels
I like the way you think, mgc. You have multiple womens on here asking for applications! If you need a hiring manager let me know.
barry - that is a wonderful idea... a hiring manager. but then what would i do?
that has got to be the best idea that I've ever heard!
so lisa, are you going to apply to be a flight attendent. we are wearing pink wing tassles you know. you would look fantastic!
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