another trip another dollar. at what point is the dollar no longer worth the journey? i have come to the realization that i am just lazy. not lazy in that i want to sit on my couch until it consumes my flesh, but i hate working. i admit it. i hate it. i don't like getting up to go. i don't like it when i'm there. i just hate it. i hate the travel i do in my current job, but i would hate staying in an office all day. i would hate being outside. one day it's too hot, the next it's too cold. never happy.
i would like to just do nothing. maybe like my hero in office space, peter. "i'm just not gunna go". i know some people love to work. they wake up early in the morning, excited to get to a new day at the office. yeah, the same type of people who die 2 months and 4 days into their retirement.
i mean, other than the money, which let's face it, is the reason most of us work at all, why is work exciting? maybe if you write books (i was going to put in a shameless plug for barry, but thought i better not). that might be a fun job. or a comedian or an over hyped actor. what about being a professional bum? even then i would still have to work. i mean they get up at the crack of dawn to get to the "money" corners. i would over sleep and get like penny alley or something. work is just so over rated.
i'm just not going to go. what about bills. yeah i don't really like those either.....
Yeah, but even Barry has a "real" job. He's not just a writer.
yeah, I wish I didn't have to work. But then, how would I buy all of the purses and shoes I like??
bv - yes i know, but xrays didn't sound as fun.
ash - that is a perfect reason to work! :-)
me too, me too!! i ubderstand my thing is living in one place too long! arrrggghhh!
p.s. i tried to link you, but dude i like effed up or something-man.
will try again later today!
anita - that's my stapler, it's swingline. um, i didn't receive my pay check. i could burn this place down. i definately said no salt on my margarita!
~d - i've moved a bunch too! good luck on the linky thingy!
I laid in bed praying this morning that I had won the lottery last night so I wouldn't have to go to work......sigh.
I need to get in the shower.
mgc - thanks for the shameless plug, ole buddy!
I definately feel your pain with the hating work thing. I too hate to get up and drive in; I am in a basement, so whether it is sunny and 75 or rainy and 25 I will never know the difference.
What sort of work do you do?
mk99 - i hear ya sister! i've got to turn off this computer and get in the shower myself. are you better about those onion rings yet?
barry - any time pal! mybe i can get a free copy of said book i am plugging. is it a childrens bedtime book, because i don't read and i have to have my wife read to me... those kid ones always put me right to sleep.
dude, a basement? that sucks. at least my hotel has a window and a tv (which i rarely turn on)...
my company sells backflow assemblies and repair parts. barry... barry you awake? dude?...
Bob Porter: Looks like you've been missing a lot of work lately.
Peter Gibbons: Well, I wouldn't exactly say I've been *missing* it, Bob.
No greater line has ever been uttered in film history.
ARRGGHHH! Linky thingy kicking my FINE ASS!
(heh heh heh!)
just came from anita's where I understand your ass is fine, too.
flounder - i would have to agree fully! i loved the "bobs"!
~d - don't ask me about linky thingy's, i'm lucky i know how to make a simple post!
and yes my ass is fine!!!
@@ - i will have to post the answer to that. it is boring as hell, but my boss treats me like his kid and gives me the world and pays me to boot. besides i only like working on my own bikes, so if i mess it up, it's my own fault! maybe i'll become a tattoo artist. not that i have any or can draw, but hell, i'll serve free booze and they won't know what i am doing until the next day
The ONLY reason I work is for the money. It's not about the joy that comes from a hard day's work. It's not the satisfaction of a job well done. If there was no paycheck then there would be no job. End of story.
Hey mgc, you gotta love the "throw down" they put on that printer in Office Space. yaaahhh!
Sounds like someone has a case of the mondays. (FYI: I do, too.)
ng - i'm glad i'm not alone.
@@ - you got it! wanta be first?
jay - that was a major ass kickin'!
pants - mondays suck! but then so does tues thru friday.
nice pants mell
Tuesday, afternoon...
@@ - for you, specially being my first, it's all free!
my wife has a tat around her ankle.
you are a crazy woman!!!!
OK, mcg: consider yourself LINKED!
I have a (few) tattoos. The husband has none. Which ankle is your wife's on?
~d - ok i am considering myself linked. i still don't know how to do any of it, but thanks. my wife's tatt is around her right ankle. i an getting one before dec. i want it while i'm 40 not 41!
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