i hate it when my wife is right. she loves to rub it in and add salt.
we where driving across town and faith no more comes on the radio. i’m driving along and notice out of the corner of my eye, my wife’s head bobbing back and forth (think of a motley crew video circa 1986)
i ask “what are you doing?”
“i’m doing what the guy in the video does.” she says.
i smirk and reply, “you have never seen this video!”
“sure I have.” as she gives me that look of “hello dumbass”
thinking i am so clever, i respond “so what is flopping around at the end of the video?” i am sure i have her on this and i can catch her bullshitting me. (i mean she like country music for pete’s sake)
she ponders the question for about 4 seconds and calmly says “a fish”
fuck me, she has seen this video, i think to my self. i think for a second and blurt out “yeah, well what kind of fish?”
“i think …. a gold fish”
i glance over at her and quickly look away because i know i just received an ass whooping. she starts to laugh, almost hysterically and starts pushing on my arm as i am trying to drive.
trying to save face i rather loudly shout out “what is the name of the band?”
“who cares, you said i had never seen the video, which i have, so who cares about the band name, i don’t know, but i know i just kicked your ass and it felt good!” (loud laughs and doh’s fill the car as my daughters enjoy this beating too!)
girls 1, boys 0
hehe...I think I would like your wife.
(not as much as I like you, of course)
Even with your ass still stinging, didn't you just love her at that moment?
Those are those precious times when husbands and wives connect spontaneously - even if she did whoop your ass.
thanks for liking my wife and me too - reminds me of your post about any friends want to join us... just teasing you. thank you for the affection.
you got that right! i don't think you have ever been here, have you? it's not as sophisticated or enlightened as RW's but i try to entertain. welcome.
don't you be dissin me and my monsters! it would be a tough choice to choose between the two ;-) - soy sucks! my eats those stupid soy nuts... hey i have some nuts for ya...
yep, my wife and i do connect. it's a good thing... i can't afford to trade her in!
You underestimated her. You should never underestimate a woman. EVER. So, did you get a piece of neck action later. I know how you love the neck, brother husband.
Yes, I have a bartender posted with horse race drink recipes hovering right above the gold leaf framed picture of a corpse. It doesn't get more sophisticated or enlightened than that.
So are you trying to be like the triple crown horses this year and blow off today's race since you already won one?
Did I mention that I don't even read my own damn blog before I comment? At least you didn't tell me how awful the Belmont Breeze sounds...or I think you didn't...if I go back there and you did I'm taking Caligator and forming a Swiss C&W yodeling duet and giving up reading.
ok good. thanks for showing yourself.
yeah, i did underestimate her and got a ass whooping for my faux pas. hell no, i didn't get any neck... come on, sister wife, she was too busy laughing her ass off to get that close!
i will have to go back and notice the corpse. that is pretty sophisticated... at least it is not a girl in butt floss with a can of hop up juice cooling her cheek! beside, reading your own blogs is so yesterday and overrated. i would not say alcohol is bad....
i want a cut on the profits from the C&W duet. also, i want credit on the sleeve of the first recoding!
i thought the picture of the dead guy was on the bar. yes i am a dumbass... i saw the dead guy. i love 500# bombs!
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