i heard another interviewee say that they are just coming here to give their kids a better education. that may very well be true, but they are not paying for that "better education", i am and everyone else who pays their taxes. come here legally and pay your taxes and your kids can have that better education. they will even be taught ENGLISH the national language of this country and then they can teach you.
i like the way the dutch do it. you watch a video, take a test and you must learn their language BEFORE you enter THEIR country. what the hell is wrong with that? they aren't saying you can't come over. they are simply saying you must assimilate to the customs, values and language that they have. what is wrong with that?
the dutch way
besides, i rather enjoyed my time in costco today without my non-english speaking friends packing the whole family (all 37 of them) into the mini van to shop for that most needed item.
and lastly, i will try to say something nice since this post has been a tirade. i do not like the term "illegal aliens"! they are not aliens, they are human beings; people simply looking for a better life, but they simply have gone looking for it in the wrong way, and expecting to be given something they do not deserve. come here legally. get your job that is so much better than anything in mexico (or any other place for that matter) and pay your taxes like the rest of us. i mean lets face it, most "americans" have come from somewhere else. i think most did it by legal means. maybe the paper work process could be simplified or there could be a better system for immigration so it became easier, but until it is LEGAL it is ILLEGAL and no one should have rights for that.
"Only two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
a day without...
today was supposed to be the end of our nation. i mean you know since our whole economy is run by mexicans, oh, sorry, latinos and they are taking a day off, we will feel the loss of their power. now don't get me wrong, i am not a hater of mexicans or really anyone for that matter, as long as they are here legally. i watched all the people interviewed over the stupid news and listened to them say that they (illegal immigrants) are owed the right of citizenship because of how hard they work and how much they do for our counrty. my answer, the short version - bullshit! no one is owed anything when they break the law to be here. why has this country instilled, in even illegals, to think that they have rights when they have broken the law? it is like the term "prisoners rights". if you break the law you loose your rights plain and simple.
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amen. Honestly, it really pisses me off that my family and some of my friends came here legally- they went through the hassle of filing paperwork, paying fees, and waiting- all to become citizens. Yet so many latinos think that just because there are so many of them they don't have to go through the same process??!
It also pisses me off that we need to assimalate to their culture and language...my family didn't expect the rest of the country to learn German and Russian when they moved here--they learned English.
ugh...ok..I'll get off my soapbox now.
ash - oh you come on up on the soapbox any time you like.
My family came to this great contry in 1978 in search for a warmer life... Shit is cold up in Canada.
So, yeah, thanks for calling me back this weekend.
I forgot to tell you that we bought a trailer. So, let do some camping soon. Maybe in the next few weeks? We are going to Marro Bay this weekend. We are think about goin to big meadows May 20. Want to go?
i was on a motorcycle trip to laughlin for 3 days. i will post about it next.
what kind of trailer did you get? we can't go camping this month because of scheduling conflicts between deb and myself. i will be in wash. on the 20th, but thanks for asking. we are talking about doing something at the beach in july so i will let you know.
when your parents came in 78 they went through the hassle of doing the paperwork or just skipped over? i am not against anyone coming here, especially when it is so friggin cold in the great white north, but do it legally. assimalate into this culture. it is cool to be proud of where you come from, but when you come to reap the benifits of the USA, you should become american, pay taxes and learn english or go back to the land you are so proud of that you want that here. if you are so proud why are you here? go back!
i don't mean you personally either, just spouting off. i'll call you later.
the 1:54 post was for you michael.
that is so funny! i love the way you think - a true capitalist - pick the truck up and resell it again! way to go and thank you for supporting my thoughts.
I bought a Layton travel trailer. 18'. Its small, but big enough for Audrey, Gracie and I. Lets do something in July for sure.
Yes, my mom is a Documented Resident with a valid green card. I am a nataralized citizen with duel citizenship because my pops is an American Born citizen.
They need to document all of those who are already in the US, deport those who are committing crimes and make the process of moving to the US easier. Thats my 2 cents.
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