i will tell you that i have a shoe fetish. i love shoes! i know it is not exactly a manly thing to admit, but i like to look at shoes. now, you also must know that it is not so bad that i can tell you name brands or designer shoes or even what style they are half the time. i just know when a shoe looks like a piece of dog shit that you think passes for taste! i mean your shoes say a lot about the type of person you are. if you think about your shoes and how they appear, how they "fit" in with your attire and how the shoes make you look in general, then you are probably a pretty thoughtful person with some aspect of class and self awareness.
i also should divulge that i hate feet! they are really gross and some should just never come out! i hate long toe nails. oh, and lets add the dirt that some like to collect under their disgusting nails. how is that attractive? i could go on and on and on... but this post was about shoes.
i like to look at a woman's shoes first before i work my way up. i know, some women are going "you pig", well maybe, but i think women are the best looking thing ever put on this planet and i love to admire their beauty. even my wife knows i check the shoes first then, if i have liked the shoes, i may get to "wow, what a nice rack! honey did you see those?" she would kindly say yes and even some times, she points them out to me first and i reply, "yeah, but did you see those hideous shoes? those are ridiculous looking!" (my wife is not a jealous person, and if i were to say that a woman "wanted" me, she would say "sure, fatty, they all want you! good luck! - man, i love my wife!)
i guess all i am saying is think about what you put your feet in or on. think about how your shoes reflect your personality and for pete's sakes, take care of your feet and dig that shit out from your nails, because that is just really, really gross! and you know, those cracks on your heels...
I totally agree about the shoe thing. They really say something about who you are. Even now that I'm a corporate slave, I refuse to give up my chunky, crazy platforms..I will never wear plain "pumps."
My friends actually make fun of me for this- I went out on a date with a guy I met on the 'net. We had had some great chats before meeting, and had seen pics of each other. When we met, he was wearing the "corporate casual" uniform of khakies and a polo. Then I saw his shoes- ugly Jesus sandles!! Ick. He didn't make it past the first date.
The point is- it's not difficult for a man to dress well- but shoes- they show an attention to detail.
platforms? how tall are you? plain pumps can be very sexy in the right conditions. they look very good matched to garder stockings and nothing else. wtf was 1st date guy (loser) thinking by mixing sandles with khakies and a polo. that says to me he has poor taste or you weren't important enough to dress like a real man. what would you have preferred in a shoe for this man?
it really can the most amusing part of shopping. when ever the mrs. asks me to go, i look forward to the nit-picking. good times! callouses, gross! they make scrubby things for that. i like to buy my wife cute shoes. i have never failed her on my choices. my daughters on the other hand, some of their shoe choices give me dry heaves.
I love shoes.
I love feet.
No, no no, sorry. Correction: I love my feet.
welcome to my sick world. did you find a the real boss of you yet? ;-)
i love shoes too. i destoyed my right leg in a motorcycle accident 20+ years ago, so i have to wear a special shoe (which is a good thing, i think) or i would own 100 pairs of shoes. as for feet. my own are ok cause i keep them trimmed (nails) and clean, but gross ones are simply WRONG!
Shoes are my vice. How many pairs of black shoes can one woman own? Just check out my closet. I also have other colors, but let's face it - black rules!
I also like feet, clean feet. I think they can be sexy when taken care of properly.
yes i would agree - black is always a good choice! and yes some feet can be sexy, while others, even well groomed just seemed to be doomed from birth.
i stopped going to ml's - too much trouble anymore. but good for you, keep giving them hell!
size 10? how tall are you? yes strappy open toe would be best for you. keep your nails tiddy and all will be right with the world. it is nice to hear someone think about how shoes make their feet look - good job!
why do you make fun of my 3rd grade education? i meant tidy
I know you said you hate feet, but I happen to have fabulous feet!
ash, i am quite certain that you do. aren't we supposed to refer to you as goddess?
besides isn't that your feet in the picture from your week-end at the lake? i liked!
yes, I am a Goddess. And yes, those are my feet. Thank you, they are pretty cute.
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