i thought that i would take a moment to thank our troops (both regular and national guard) who are spread to the very ends of this earth. THANK YOU!
thank you never seems to be enough, but that is all we can say and that is all many of your service personnel desire... to know that we appreciate what they do. do many of us take what they do for granted? i think sometimes we do. we are all consumed with finding a place where we fit into this society. finding our spiritually, our politics, our idealism, our prejudices, our common ground, our likes, our dislikes and everything that we are as citizens of this great country. someone says they want to be a liberal or a conservative, they want to say they are a bigot or a lover of all, or someone knocks at the door pushing their religious agenda. why are these things tolerated in this country? why can't everyone be conservative, like me, and have no one hate someone else because of the color of their skin, like me, and why can't we all just be of one faith? the answer in a nutshell... FREEDOM!
what do you mean freedom? yeah, we are free.... that's how the founders of this country wanted it... we have always had a "right" to say and think what we want.... we have always... this is AMERICA and we are the greatest...
have you ever heard these words before? sure you have. i have. what gives us the ability to think and live our lives this way?
the men and women, who from the beginning of this country have stood their ground and said "we will be free people and i will protect my country". generations upon generations have lost family members because they believed in this statement. because they believed in what this country stands for - FREEDOM.
for us to fail to remember the sacrifices of generations of americans who have stood up and gave their lives so that you and i, and many others throughout the world, could have freedom and have the ability to choose how we will vote; have a free voice to say things that may really irritate someone else; choose our faith (not based on fear) and allowing us to knock on someone's door to promote that religion, just as we are free to not accept their invitation. all of these freedoms are not something that has just happened. men and women have been disabled, been tortured, been shot at and blown up and many have died for THIS freedom, that we sometimes take so lightly.
as we find ourselves bickering about our leadership, our politics, our religions, our immigration, our gas prices, our troubles, trials and tribulations, let's take a moment to lay down our selfish demands, wants and opinions to remember our FREEDOM FIGHTERS who have given up their demands, wants, opinions and even their lives so you and i may bicker about ours.
to all our service personnel... may God bless you, remember you and keep you safe and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for keeping me and my family safe and free. there is no one as brave as you!
Bill Of Rights
US Constitution
it is my pleasure and honor to remember and thank those who provide my freedom. it takes a very special person to do what they do and to sacrifice their life as so many before have done.
Thanks for the humbling post. My father and brother in-law both served and I didn’t say anything of appreciation during dinner today. After reading you post, I e-mailed my brother and I need to say something to my father who served 3 tours during nam.
My family isn't much of a military family, but I do understand the significance of the holiday. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the holiday and what it means to you.
thanks for stopping over. my father was in nam (aircraft carrier), my uncle was in nam (river boat), my step dad was in the army training guys to go to nam, both my grandfathers were in WWII. i never served (destoyed right leg) but i am proud of this country, right or wrong. i am not a war monger by any means, but the fact that so many have died for my ability to say i abhor war and it is wrong or it is right, is what moves me.
btw, richard simmons is looking for you. something about saying he had greasy hair, purple speedo... something like that.
Those that have made the ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten by me on Memorial Day. Maybe it's the heavy military influence where I live. Maybe it's b/c my father and his father and his father were in the military. I'm not sure. It just overwhelms me. It makes me feel grateful. It makes me feel proud.
it is nice to see some one so young be filled with pride. i am sure you make your family proud for understanding the importance of your freedom - you understand that it isn't free. good job sister wife. where do you live anyway? if it is close, i will take you for a ride on my harley - no funny business my current wife would frown on that - just a ride on the bike. not often when you find a female who likes bikes, most are afraid.
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