....i wonder what it is like for those who do not try things. now, i don't mean strange foods or dying your hair blue. i mean being adventurous. doing something scary, like riding a rollercoaster or riding a dirtbike up a wall and hoping to not crash when you leave the ground at the top.
i cannot think of my life without motorcycles. i started riding when i was 8 (yes that was the 70's people) and i haven't really stopped. well, i should revise that. i stopped in 1984 until 2000 because i was in an accident that destroyed my right leg. the first doctor said they would have to amputate, my dad said no (thankfully) and the second doctor said he would do his best. well 13 surgeries, the loss of 2 inches and 9 yrs later, i can walk again. sort of. i wear a lifted shoe, which by the way i fucking hate, because i can't wear any old shoe i want and i love shoes. but if i don't wear it, my back hurts badly and i do nothing but travel in a circle (think about it - take a soda cup and roll it across the table).
anyway, this injury has not slowed me down any, as you can see from the picture above. this is in spokane last week-end, with "spokane denny" (right), the wild man! he i

if you have never tried it, do. don't sit life out because of fear. get on that rollercoaster, let go of the handlebars once in a while and absorb exhilaration! absorb life!
Yeah, we were seperated at birth. It's ture, and to answer you question....I am hot.
why thank you, bv. i have been looking for my long lost hot sister for a while now.
and actually, i have clothes that are as old as you. i read part of your blog, happy 25th birthday to you and i loved your tirade on immigration, very cool.
thanks for stopping off in my crazy world.
look at you mgc- another blonde hitting on you! Should I be jealous?
I'm pretty scared of bikes, actually, so I wouldn't be doing anything like that any time soon. But I will get on a rollercoaster.
I loved riding dirt bikes as a kid. And go-carts, too. I gave them up after damn near wrecking into a lake.
It is good to see you getting back into doing something you love - more people should do the same.
you know you are alway first and being a stupid perverted man i am supposed to say that i can handle both of you (then die from a heart attack!) when i come to virginia are there any coasters to ride? lets drink the bottle then coaster!
so you are saying that i am different? or maybe mental? i should look for the oicture of me letting go of the bars while in the air. my harley doesn't pollute...much. but it is loud and peerrtty! i do look out for stupid people on the road and i like being called a trooper! i would rather go out in a ball of flames than be sitting on my ass wondering what i could have done with my life.
wrecking into a lake? at least yor gear would have gotten cleaned! thanks for the encouragement. i have my whole family riding execpt my 18 yr old - she is a chicken!
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