i sometimes try to see the glass as half full, but usually end up with an empty glass. i guess i am just a pessimist trying to be optimistic, without being always successful. i have been at a trade show/conference for three days now and i am bored stiff! this cost me a lot of money to be here and it is a dud!
ok, here is the optimistic part... they had free high speed wireless, so i spent two days on-line blogging and wasting time. i got paid for this too! how is that for a glass half full? (what the hell did i do with my damn beer!)
i will be off-line now until i get home (sun. midnight) and i am certain that i will go thru some sort of withdrawals from staring at this screen and drinking for two days. tomorrow, i am going dirt biking with my old friend "spokane denny" and i know that will help with my dt's , plus some more drinking after the ride...
drinking after riding = good
drinking before riding = not good
i NEVER drink while on a motorcycle or before - ever, never, never, ever. now after, that could be a different story. i only had one beer today AFTER riding, while i ate a bbq beef sandwich (yumyumyum)
why do you torchure me? of course it is what you do with the concumed portion - you pee it out!
mgc is always pessimistic! ;D
i can't spell and i am on my sisters computer, so i can't find a spell checker - CONSUMED and maybe torchure is spelled wrong! damn this third grade education in liberal public schools!
Did you say Spokane Denny? I think I know that guy.
i am a shit speller plain and simple! no obsession here.
do you ride with him. he is fast!
dirtbiking makes me thirsty so i have an excuse to drink beer. that in my feable mind is how it helps! we should all be drunk and blog. in fact we should start national drunk blogging day!
p.s. i cannot spell if my life depended on it so we will all have to get used to my miscues. but thanks for pointing it out so maybe i will do better next time.
i never thought about that - a life or death spell off! man would that not be the coolest. no racing for pinks, no courtroom drama whether you go to jail for 2 yrs or 4 yrs, we're talkin' spell that fucking work correctly or DIE!
i love it!
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