

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

the song remains the same...

i stole this idea from nicolemart and thought it was hard, but fun. so you try it.

Now I have to answer questions using only the song titles from a chosen musician/band.

Musician I chose: The Smiths

Male or Female: This Charming Man

Describe yourself: Sweet and Tender Hooligan

How do some people feel about you: Bigmouth Strikes Again

How do you feel about yourself: Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now

Describe your ex: You’ve Got Everything Now

Describe your current significant other: You’re The One For Me

Describe where you want to be: Back To The Old House

Describe how you live: Oscillate Wildly

Describe how you love: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me

What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want

Share a few words of wisdom: These Things Take Time

Now say goodbye: I Know It’s Over


mgc said...

you are right he probably would. thanks for the compliment and stopping over.

ps - what a snazzy templet you have at your site ;-)

Unknown said...

How soon is now?

Maddie said...

Not to distract from your lovely Smith post, because I love me some Smiths and your post is lovely...but have you heard the Death Cab for Cutie cover of "This Charming Man"?

mgc said...

i do know that cover and they did a good job. i like DCfC.

Anonymous said...

Okay, how did I go this long without realizing you HAD a blog??

I'm bookmarking you and adding you to the feed... :)

mgc said...

hey seneca,
i read your comment at nicole's and saw that you picked ac/dc. i will leave "liberal soft" alone...

Casey said...

Your last thoughts:
Hang The DJ.

mgc said...

very good casey! i am honored to finally have you visit AND comment. thank you. you like the smiths? i love the smiths!

Miss Scarlet said...

Very nice band selection!