i have to make a confession. i am addicted to this stupid game show, deal or no deal. i have never really been a game show guy or even a reality show guy. i have never watched survivor, amazing race, next top model or even american idol. i did watch the average joe because it gave me hope for the ugly average idiots like myself, but that was about it. anyway, back to DOND. i love the fact that there is no skill involved in this game. it is shear luck and guessing. i do wonder if they ask them to be risky and not jump at smaller figures to make the game more entertaining, but who knows. i keep trying to win the 10 grand, but have been unsuccessful to this point.
maybe for 10 grand i should say "no deal, howie"
You just like the girls holding the suitcases.
It is a great show, but how sexist is the opening "Hi Howie" in 26 female voices?
Do you find yourself screaming "take the fucking money you moron"? I do.
yes i sure do sometimes say that exact phrase. some people are just too greedy and don't see the wisdom in taking a sure thing. it is very rare that they are holding more in their case than they are offered.
mk99, welcom - how did you find my blog? thanks for the comments and as for the enlargement - i have no idea why?
How did I find you? Not sure. I like to browse blogs, especially those that read and comment in the same ones I do. So we must both actively read someone elses. We'll run into each other again I am sure.
I have added you to my blogroll as I think you are hilarious.
we know each othe rfrom pants... not that i really "know" her either. anyway i am glad you are here. thanks for a blogroll, not that i know what that is. i added you to my list of blogs also, which is what i assume you are talking about. i am still learning this stuff so add you manually with the html on my format. slow and archaic but it is what i know.
and no... you are hilarious and your husband is hilarious! that cooment about multiple wives is still the funniest thing i read in a long time!!!!!!.....asshole :)
comment... i have got to slow down my drinking!
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