"Only two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." -- Albert Einstein

Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Simple Pleasures Meme
1. my family
2. motorcycles
3. movies (even bad one's)
4. tools (hand and power)
5. monster energy drink
6. a cold fat tire(beer) on a hot day
7. a cold mike's lemonade on an even hotter day
8. camping in my trailer (which usually includes dirtbiking)
9. the smell of my wife's neck
10. bbq's in my backyard, with swimming
Sunday, May 28, 2006

i thought that i would take a moment to thank our troops (both regular and national guard) who are spread to the very ends of this earth. THANK YOU!
thank you never seems to be enough, but that is all we can say and that is all many of your service personnel desire... to know that we appreciate what they do. do many of us take what they do for granted? i think sometimes we do. we are all consumed with finding a place where we fit into this society. finding our spiritually, our politics, our idealism, our prejudices, our common ground, our likes, our dislikes and everything that we are as citizens of this great country. someone says they want to be a liberal or a conservative, they want to say they are a bigot or a lover of all, or someone knocks at the door pushing their religious agenda. why are these things tolerated in this country? why can't everyone be conservative, like me, and have no one hate someone else because of the color of their skin, like me, and why can't we all just be of one faith? the answer in a nutshell... FREEDOM!
what do you mean freedom? yeah, we are free.... that's how the founders of this country wanted it... we have always had a "right" to say and think what we want.... we have always... this is AMERICA and we are the greatest...
have you ever heard these words before? sure you have. i have. what gives us the ability to think and live our lives this way?
the men and women, who from the beginning of this country have stood their ground and said "we will be free people and i will protect my country". generations upon generations have lost family members because they believed in this statement. because they believed in what this country stands for - FREEDOM.
for us to fail to remember the sacrifices of generations of americans who have stood up and gave their lives so that you and i, and many others throughout the world, could have freedom and have the ability to choose how we will vote; have a free voice to say things that may really irritate someone else; choose our faith (not based on fear) and allowing us to knock on someone's door to promote that religion, just as we are free to not accept their invitation. all of these freedoms are not something that has just happened. men and women have been disabled, been tortured, been shot at and blown up and many have died for THIS freedom, that we sometimes take so lightly.
as we find ourselves bickering about our leadership, our politics, our religions, our immigration, our gas prices, our troubles, trials and tribulations, let's take a moment to lay down our selfish demands, wants and opinions to remember our FREEDOM FIGHTERS who have given up their demands, wants, opinions and even their lives so you and i may bicker about ours.
to all our service personnel... may God bless you, remember you and keep you safe and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for keeping me and my family safe and free. there is no one as brave as you!
Bill Of Rights
US Constitution
Friday, May 26, 2006
more dirtbikes...
no, i did not crash!.............................................................
fat boy! poor suspension!....................................
have i lost my mind or simply just my head?..........................
this sure beats the view from my desk....................................
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
take a risk...

....i wonder what it is like for those who do not try things. now, i don't mean strange foods or dying your hair blue. i mean being adventurous. doing something scary, like riding a rollercoaster or riding a dirtbike up a wall and hoping to not crash when you leave the ground at the top.
i cannot think of my life without motorcycles. i started riding when i was 8 (yes that was the 70's people) and i haven't really stopped. well, i should revise that. i stopped in 1984 until 2000 because i was in an accident that destroyed my right leg. the first doctor said they would have to amputate, my dad said no (thankfully) and the second doctor said he would do his best. well 13 surgeries, the loss of 2 inches and 9 yrs later, i can walk again. sort of. i wear a lifted shoe, which by the way i fucking hate, because i can't wear any old shoe i want and i love shoes. but if i don't wear it, my back hurts badly and i do nothing but travel in a circle (think about it - take a soda cup and roll it across the table).
anyway, this injury has not slowed me down any, as you can see from the picture above. this is in spokane last week-end, with "spokane denny" (right), the wild man! he i

if you have never tried it, do. don't sit life out because of fear. get on that rollercoaster, let go of the handlebars once in a while and absorb exhilaration! absorb life!
Friday, May 19, 2006
the glass is half...

i sometimes try to see the glass as half full, but usually end up with an empty glass. i guess i am just a pessimist trying to be optimistic, without being always successful. i have been at a trade show/conference for three days now and i am bored stiff! this cost me a lot of money to be here and it is a dud!
ok, here is the optimistic part... they had free high speed wireless, so i spent two days on-line blogging and wasting time. i got paid for this too! how is that for a glass half full? (what the hell did i do with my damn beer!)
i will be off-line now until i get home (sun. midnight) and i am certain that i will go thru some sort of withdrawals from staring at this screen and drinking for two days. tomorrow, i am going dirt biking with my old friend "spokane denny" and i know that will help with my dt's , plus some more drinking after the ride...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
not those shoes...

i will tell you that i have a shoe fetish. i love shoes! i know it is not exactly a manly thing to admit, but i like to look at shoes. now, you also must know that it is not so bad that i can tell you name brands or designer shoes or even what style they are half the time. i just know when a shoe looks like a piece of dog shit that you think passes for taste! i mean your shoes say a lot about the type of person you are. if you think about your shoes and how they appear, how they "fit" in with your attire and how the shoes make you look in general, then you are probably a pretty thoughtful person with some aspect of class and self awareness.
i also should divulge that i hate feet! they are really gross and some should just never come out! i hate long toe nails. oh, and lets add the dirt that some like to collect under their disgusting nails. how is that attractive? i could go on and on and on... but this post was about shoes.
i like to look at a woman's shoes first before i work my way up. i know, some women are going "you pig", well maybe, but i think women are the best looking thing ever put on this planet and i love to admire their beauty. even my wife knows i check the shoes first then, if i have liked the shoes, i may get to "wow, what a nice rack! honey did you see those?" she would kindly say yes and even some times, she points them out to me first and i reply, "yeah, but did you see those hideous shoes? those are ridiculous looking!" (my wife is not a jealous person, and if i were to say that a woman "wanted" me, she would say "sure, fatty, they all want you! good luck! - man, i love my wife!)
i guess all i am saying is think about what you put your feet in or on. think about how your shoes reflect your personality and for pete's sakes, take care of your feet and dig that shit out from your nails, because that is just really, really gross! and you know, those cracks on your heels...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
mother's day...

i spent another mother's day away from home. i bought a mothers ring for my daughters to give their mother and i did call my mom and my mother-in-law, so all was right with the world. i really hate the early morning flights. i slept for three hours on sat. night and got up at 3:30am to catch a 6am flight to spokane washington for 8 days. at least my early plane included a prepackaged honey bran muffin and a complimentary can of coke (i would rather have had pepsi, but complimentary is complimentary) anyway, i am here and already longing to return home.
i have to start a show tomorrow, oh wait, it's 1:22am, so today, i will start a show and be bored stiff. i may have to drink myself silly just to survive the monotony. i don't mind coming to spokane because i have family here and it is nice to see them every once in a while and i usually get to go dirt biking with a friend of mine. that makes the fatigue of sitting on my ass for 3 days talking to dumbasses that really are only here to get credits to further their "education" so they can keep their city/county/state jobs. it is also a good excuse to miss work and get paid for it and to drink like they are in high school again. boy, i can hardly contain my enthusiasm and excitement to get started...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
the song remains the same...

i stole this idea from nicolemart and thought it was hard, but fun. so you try it.
Now I have to answer questions using only the song titles from a chosen musician/band.
Musician I chose: The Smiths
Male or Female: This Charming Man
Describe yourself: Sweet and Tender Hooligan
How do some people feel about you: Bigmouth Strikes Again
How do you feel about yourself: Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now
Describe your ex: You’ve Got Everything Now
Describe your current significant other: You’re The One For Me
Describe where you want to be: Back To The Old House
Describe how you live: Oscillate Wildly
Describe how you love: Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
What would you ask for if you had just one wish: Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
Share a few words of wisdom: These Things Take Time
Now say goodbye: I Know It’s Over
Monday, May 08, 2006
give the gift of...
well, have you ever tried to find the perfect gift for such a person and have never been successful in finding it? i think this new product from RONCO will fill the bill perfectly for those "loved" one who deserve only the best!

but wait, if you order now, we will also include the new and improved lemon & salt soothing pads. the perfect compliment to our toilet paper! this is what every "special" person needs!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
that's my celly...
from 244am before i deleted the rants!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
get your kicks...

i got mine on route 66. as usual, i took my annual motorcycle trip to the laughlin river run. this is the 5th year of my pilgrimage and i thought it was time for something a little different.
i went with a bigger group for the first 2 yrs, both male and female, but it somehow turned into a "guys" week-end. there are now 4 of us guys going for the week-end.

as always, we stayed in primm, nv at buffalo bills casino. it is about 80 miles away from laughlin and the price is so much better than trying to stay in laughlin. besides, it is nice to be in a more quite place than a motorcycle rally with 70,000 other bikers after a 6 hour, 350 mile trip. besides, the beer (not that they serve this kind) is cheap and cold, so i like staying there.
as i digress from the point, we usually go to laughlin on saturday and hang out there all day. we check out bike, babes with boobs and look for some cheap deals on "biker" stuff. i like to stop by the harley-davidson corner and pick up my H.O.G. pin too. so, this year we decided to only go to laughlin for an hour or so and take a road trip. we decided to go do route 66 out of kingman, az. but, first we had to stop at the h-d shop in kingman and get a picture and buy some swag.

after my flirting, we headed out over 66. it really isn't so beautiful or scenic, but it is neat to think that this simple two lane hwy used to be the only way across the country. so, we traveled what is left of this great old hwy, in az., and made a few stops along the way. below are a couple of pictures out front of a bar on the hwy, but it was closed for a remodel. too bad because i would have liked to see inside (i never drink on my bike). any way it was cool to see the old signs and take a quick pic. and a couple pics of us on the road.

we also stopped in seligman, az and ate some really good pie. if you ever get close, stop in at the copper cart and get your own pie! this is gail and she is the best baker, chief cook and wonderful waitress and owner of the cart. she is from minnesota, but we can't hold that against her. she was really great and made the stop really worth it.

so we headed back west and took a trip over hoover dam and into las vegas. i can't say anymore about this, because what happens in vegas, stays in vegas!

it was a great weekend and i can't wait until next year. it will be hard to plan a better trip than this one, but i will have a year to figure it out.

(any of the pics with guys on them were taken by me with my cell phone at about 80 miles an hour!)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
a day without...
i heard another interviewee say that they are just coming here to give their kids a better education. that may very well be true, but they are not paying for that "better education", i am and everyone else who pays their taxes. come here legally and pay your taxes and your kids can have that better education. they will even be taught ENGLISH the national language of this country and then they can teach you.
i like the way the dutch do it. you watch a video, take a test and you must learn their language BEFORE you enter THEIR country. what the hell is wrong with that? they aren't saying you can't come over. they are simply saying you must assimilate to the customs, values and language that they have. what is wrong with that?
the dutch way
besides, i rather enjoyed my time in costco today without my non-english speaking friends packing the whole family (all 37 of them) into the mini van to shop for that most needed item.
and lastly, i will try to say something nice since this post has been a tirade. i do not like the term "illegal aliens"! they are not aliens, they are human beings; people simply looking for a better life, but they simply have gone looking for it in the wrong way, and expecting to be given something they do not deserve. come here legally. get your job that is so much better than anything in mexico (or any other place for that matter) and pay your taxes like the rest of us. i mean lets face it, most "americans" have come from somewhere else. i think most did it by legal means. maybe the paper work process could be simplified or there could be a better system for immigration so it became easier, but until it is LEGAL it is ILLEGAL and no one should have rights for that.