

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

new terms...


Ashburnite said...

haha..there's the politically incorrect mgc that we all love and miss.

Anonymous said...

MGC, sometimes you are such a cracker.

mgc said...

ash - thanks. i love to rock the boat.

bv - what are you saying? is that a good thing or a bad thing sister wife?

The Hanged Man said...

Wait, can we refer to all "brown" people as towel heads? What about ... like Gandhi and shit?

Also, can we apply this term to South Americans who are similarly colored, but have different ideologies and wardrobe?

What can we call Chavez? That's what I'm wondering?

What about Noam Chomsky? Can we call him pollack?

mgc said...
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mgc said...

i don't claim to be anything close to politically correct, or even concerned if i offend someone on MY blog. but mostly, if a person or race or religion wants to kill me and my kind for no fucking reason other than we don't bow to allah or we choose to live in the 21st century and we think that our women are worth more than just squirting out male sons and following behind us... i say fuck them little sheet heads! if i did something to wrong them, then hate me. but to simply hate because they have no value in life doesn't give them the right to wish me dead. and besides, i take offense to being called an infidel! so stick that in your jihad and smoke it!

ps - i happen to like Gandhi very much... he never wanted to kill innocent human beings.