i did recently just take a trip to spokane washington for a week-end of motocross riding. a friend of mine (work associate) has a couple of bikes and let me ride one. it was a KTM 450 and i fell in love with it. fastest bike i have ever riden, on dirt anyway.

i wish i had one of my own, but it is pretty expensive and untouchable at this time. maybe someday.
i have also gone camping with my family (yes quality time with my family - work is really over rated!) and we had a great time. we went dirt biking up in hollister. i just got my youngest daughter a new motorcycle; her first one with a clutch and 5 gears. she took off like nothing and i was really happy that she did so good. she likes to ride and camp. good family time, but my wife crashed, as usual, twice and is bruised to the point of abuse (i don't beat her on her face, just hips and thighs!) she still wants to ride, so that is good - i think.
well, that is not very exciting or thought provoking, but it is new. have a great thanksgiving holiday (canadian friends, have a good day eh!)