

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

how can man...

I often think of man’s ways
But sometimes my mind strays
To visit a single life such as my own
A complex person simply on loan.
But through my own display of smart
I think of others to pick apart.
Not to destroy, but to question why?
Why is it a kind man will lie?
Is it to gain ground on a friend?
Is it his heart that will never mend?
What makes a sane man kill?
Can he do that of his own free will?
I know somewhere man has gone wrong.
But can he change and for how long?
It seems to me very odd indeed
That man has become so much in need
Of a thoughtless, conscienceless, fiery lust.
And have no hope, nor in God do they trust.
How can man live a life such as this?
Sometimes I think these men will be the one’s God will miss.

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