wine barrel...
i started exercising today. i mean for real, not just 10 min. and say "ahh thats good enough". i spent 45 minutes in there sweating and stinking and wishing i had not let myself go so far. i think i weight about 214 lbs. that would be really cool if i was like, ah 6'4" or somewhere in that range and not 5'8". i feel like a wine barrel without the pleasure of the wine. i am going to try and stay on a healthy path. eat better, drink less and exercise more. no promises or resolutions - just me making better choices.
I wish you the best of luck with the new health plan. I'm trying to eat better too, and I try to use the exercise bike three times a week for a half hour. Then I work out with the Pilate ball. But cutting back on food...Not an easy task with me.
thanks. i have met very few desserts that i am not friends with. true story!
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