

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

in the water...

i have been watching the news regarding the aftermath from katrina and can't help wonder why anyone would want to stay there. i realize that they have no communications telling them how toxic the water is or how bad it is going to get. i realize that many of these people had very little to begin with; maybe the house they lived in and whatever fit inside. now all that is gone. i might be leary to leave for fear that i will lose everything. but in reality they have lost everything - it is time to get the fuck out or lose your life!

i am very sad about the looting and the general decay of civilization that occurred there. it was impossible to determine from the footage if the stealing was out of necessity (food, water, diapers...) or simply greed (stereos, tvs and the like). what have we done to ourselves? is there no longer an idea of moral decency and respect for your fellow man. i read an article that stated; the real disaster and sadness has been man-made. the true disaster is how members of our civilization, our citizens acted like cave dwelling thugs and anarchist. the "natural " disaster only blew away the cover of this sickness and exposed our society for what it truly is - lazy and unable to function with out help from our government. don't get me wrong, i love this country and i feel bad for the absolute loss of everything from this storm, but how does this storm give anyone the right to steal, murder, rape and rebel from society and complain that they were not given a free hand out? maybe the one's who lost their battle with katrina are somehow better off because they do not have to see how utterly disgusting we as human beings (i use this term reluctantly) can be. i am trying to look for the good people who have risen to the occation and helped their fellow man, so maybe they can overshadow the sick and lazy.


Flyin Shirer said...

Don't forget that the media shows us what they think is "good" news. They are not sharing a whole lot of info about all the good that is coming from this. Remember....? The bad always gets the attention first! That's what pisses me off because there is a lot of good people and good things that has come together because of this storm too!

Flyin Shirer said...

Oh and yes......I looked at your blog tonight! ;) Hope you don't mind! ;)

mgc said...

thanks for reading. how did you stay awake?

anyway, i know there has been so many good things and wonderful people who have done the extraordinary and become true heros. i guess that is more what i hope or expect would happen in a situation like this instead of the looting, voilence and complaining.

stacy said...

Michael, I have to say I agree with Tami on this one. There has been an outpouring of decency and giving in ways that most Americans have never given or received. Yes, there is the shameful, the disgusting, but there are many people that are opening their homes to complete strangers right now, giving money, food, clothing to the Red Cross and good will, when they have never done that before. I also agree, the media focuses on the worst. It makes for more dramatic television - or so they believe.

mgc said...

i was not trying to downplay or ignore any of the good things or the generousity of many people from every corner of this country. i am pleased to hear and see those stories. i guess i was just pissed about the whole breakdown in the government and in the individuals who caused problems and made the situation even worse than it is, if that is even possible. i am proud of the majority in this country and i am proud to be an american.

stacy said...

oh, I can hear Lee Greenwood in the background! Of course, you've got a huge point. There was a break down on all govermental levels, and it led to violence and I'm not sure we've heard the worst of it, or not much of the worst of it. We saw pictures of the superdome, but we also know there were rapes and shots fired inside, but on television what did we see the most of? the looting, of all things. I just don't care about the looting. The rest, is so much worse to me. I just can't imagine what those poor people went through. I'll tell you what is really pissing me off right now, is all this finger pointing after the fact. All I can tell from any of it, is that each governmental level was to blame and the blame is spread around to both the republicans and the democrats alike. I think it would be so refreshing for one of them to just stand up and say, ya, I screwed up, there was more I could have done.

Flyin Shirer said... got your wish. Bush did say that he takes responsibility for the screw ups. That was nice to hear coming from the President. I just hope that they really fix the problem where they messed up and be better prepared next time. I just can't wait to get out there and make a difference in someone's life somehow.