i think this is the new way of life for americans. the sad thing is that i can remember when gasoline was under $1.00! never again!!!
until we stop consuming (buying) it, gas will never go down. why would it? americans have always been spoiled in regards to gas. other countries have always paid more for fuel than we have. not that it makes 3 bucks a gallon any easier to swollow. i hear vespa get good mileage!
i could get a hybrid, but then it would be hard to pull my gasoline generated trailer filled with mt fossil fuel burning motorcycles.
i do like your car though. are you loving it now that gas is over the $3 barrier?
I filled my truck 2 up days ago, when gas was at 2.98 a gallon. It cost me 90 dollars. Do you how much beer that could of bought me?
With the rise in gas prices, groceries also cost more, and so it is more expensive for me to feul my skateboard. It's still cheaper, and likely more fun, than driving though.
wait until the lube you use in those ABEC 5 bearings is $18.99 an ounce! then you will be walking with the rest of us. it would be great if we all could simply skate around everywhere we go... "hey honey let's skate out to dinner, no olie's along the way, dear..." it could be interesting.
I'm with you, the gas prices suck ass. Supposedly, the governor here is having some formal investigation into the prices in Arizona because for the first time ever they are at the same rate as L.A. When I started driving (1989 –yuck) gas prices were .85 cents a gallon. I could fill up my little volkswagon on like six bucks!
yeah! i started driving in 80 and it was in the sixties. i remeber the day when money was tight and you would go and put 3 dollars in and get a half tank!
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