i received this in an e-mail with the line: i'll be back!
now if that does not scare the hell out of you something is wrong. when are people going to realize that we have got to stop with the hand-outs, stop illegal immigration and stop wasting money on useless & unproductive legislation?
ok i am done from the soapbox. but, to be perfectly honest i am getting rather tired of all the politics in this country. it seems that they spend more time yelling about the other "party" and pointing the finger at the other "party" instead of pulling their head out of their asses and making laws that are good for this country as a whole and not just good for some small group in the middle of nowhere, simply because they had a better lobbyist or their backwater representative was able to sneak some stupid thing in the bottom of another bill.
i stepped on the box again didn't i. ok, i am down again. i just wish we had not let ourselves (this country) spiral down to what we are becoming. for example, do we or do we not still consider ENGLISH to be our language of choice here? why do we spend, err, i mean waste, millions of dollars printing everything in a gazzilion different languages? everywhere i go anymore everything is in spanish. why the hell do we have to cater to people who do not learn english? do you think any other country would do the same for us? hell no, if i move to mexico, i had better learn spanish or i am in for a world of hurt.
oh man, i did it again. ok, really, i am stepping down. no, really! but doesn't it just piss you off when...
1 comment:
I think I saw this routine early one morning on ESPN2. They claimed it was step aerobics, but now I know it was you blogging.
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