i stopped in to take my wife a coffee (RN on 6pm-6am)and met a new friend. i will call him joe and he is a drug addict. he is suffering with addiction and withdrawals and shakes terribly. he doesn't even know how he became an addict. really it wasn't his fault, he is a victim of society and innocent of any crime. how can this be you ask?
well the sub human woman who gave birth to this friend of mine, who by the way, is only a month old, is a drug addict. she says she is not and she is being wrongly accused of harming this infant. oh, this is also her 4th child. why are some people allowed to reproduce? this bitch should not be allowed to have the blessing of children.
i held this boy as he shook and writhed in obvious pain. i couldn't help but feel so bad for this little person, who should not have had to start life this way. i kept thinking about how hard the world and life are without starting your first day as a junky. i held him for over an hour and fell in love with him. maybe it was compassion, maybe anger or maybe something that i have no idea about, but i needed to love him and hold him. i had a very bad day (see previous post)and he changed my day completely. i had to love him because i am not sure he will get any of that as he grows into his life.
joe, may God watch over you, keep you and give you an unbelievable sense of self and love so you may rise above your beginnings.
Man, that is sad. Poor kid.
I like to go to hospitals for children who are going to have open heart surgery.
I show them my scar and tell them it is not so bad.
Then play video games.
with my line of work I see a lot of ugliness. Cases like this are not uncommon. The only thing that gets me through some of my days is knowing that God is bigger than any sad situation and that He is into the miracle business.
oh my God...every time I hear a story about babies being born to crackhead mothers, it breaks my heart. It amazes me that certain people are even allowed to breed (hello- Britney & Kfed). This is just further evidence that people should have to pass some kind of test to be allowed to have children. SO sad.
Wow...I saw this picture when you posted it the other day and the only text was something that looked Arabic. I'm glad I popped back back in, what an awful but at the same time wonderful story.
I'll keep Joe in my prayers.
geta - thanks for stopping in. thank you for your support of kids at a scarry time.
michael - you got that right, brother!
ash - thanks for peeking at my silly place. i have just started looking at yours and am enjoying it. i wish there was an exam...yet we still get stupid people having babies, while some who want kids can't.
rw - i am not sure why it didn't post the first time (tried to place picture in a new spot and screwwd it up). thank you for your prayers for joe, they are always welcome. your comment "...an awful, but at the same time wonderful story." seems to be the story of joe's young life.
@@ - thanks for coming over and checking out my place. sorry you had to cry.
where in cali do you live? i travel the whole state so i know it well. grew up in so cal but have spent time in north too.
seneca finch - thanks for stopping by and reading my craziness. i appreciate your sincerity. it is a sad experience to watch these poor babies shake and writhe in pain. my wife is truely my hero for her ability to care for these children. thanks again and stop by again.
That is so sad. Can't that child be taken away from her? Just slip into her room and inject her with something that will cause her the same kind of pain he is going through!! Maybe bleach??
@@ - i was there, vacaville, last week. seems like a nice place. i hit vacaville, fairfield, napa, vallejo, benicia and american cyn. how do you like GA? the weather is different there. i was in savanna a couple years back. there is an awesome irish pub down on the river, but that is a whole other story...
weed - that would seem the most logical thing to do, but not practical. we just have to hope that joe will garner the fortitute to rise above his dumbshit parents and make a better lifefor himself. i am going to go back andtry to hold him again the next time i am home and my wife is working. he's my little budy!
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