i just love how my 13 yr old thinks. she wears her heart and life on her sleeve. if she thinks it, she says it. if she says it, she feels it. i hope that she can retain that honesty as a grown up.
it seems that the older i get the more cynical i become. i say less of what i am thinking because i feel few will listen. it sucks getting old sometimes.
i love my children
That's so cute! Unfortunately I still say what I am thinking....sometimes it get me in trouble....sometimes it gets me laid. Not all bad!
weed - hey first off, thanks for stopping by and welcome. i think it is good to say what you think, i wish i didn't seem to hate everyone on the planet so i could think good thoughts... thus saying good things.
i hope that annon goes away from your place, they really pissed me off, but i am sure that was their intent to stir things up.
good luck with the getting laid. i am married, so that rarely happens!
Here are five reason I know I am getting old.
1) I have developed a belly
2) I care what my lawn looks like
3) I drive the speed limit
4) My back is sore after a game of golf
5) The only time I stay up til midnight anymore is on new years eve
michael - yep! i got the belly a long time ago. my lawn, ya, get the hell off. the speed limit, well that one i still break most of the time. sore back yes. i do stay up past midnight on most nights. i am feeling older every day.
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