

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

family in the house

the house is finally clean,
i must admit
which was no simple task,
i sorta threw a fit

now your spilling food and other
on the floor
maybe you
should go next door

this disease, you know,
to see it clean
takes too much effort
to keep it's sheen

why did i want a house
filled with so many
because, i would be so lonely
without any

so for now i will look away
from the mess
i'll try to be concerned
just a little less

for i am happy my family shared
in my living
and came to my new house
for thanksgiving


Unknown said...

I know the felling. Some, including my wife call me obsessive compulsive regarding the cleanliness of our house. It seems like every time we have company over, I follow people around picking up after them. I know I should loosen up. I am working on it. I love to hosts, so I should get over it. Thanks for leaving your blog page address. I tried to remember the address last night but I forgot. I thought is was called your broken g-string. by the way, what is the deal with the g-string title? Do you wear g-strings? Ha!
Also, I am listening to the Pixies Live in concert right now. I will burn you a copy and give it to you on Wed. night.

mgc said...

very funny michael w. hilarious! i was thinking more the g string of a guitar, but hey if the g string fits... i might wear it just to freak someone out.

pixies would be very cool. thanks