

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The View of a Stranger

I saw him in his passing days,
a rather anguishing sight.
But in those waning hours,
I saw his mystic might.
Looking in his eyes so blue,
I saw his family and his wife.
His eyes so deeply drawn,
yet in them there was life.
Gleaming of days gone by,
remembering all that he had made.
I saw his family still,
in his eyes they had stayed.
So much this man had given,
to a world that never cared.
And, in those final hours,
so much he could have shared.
In his eyes, I saw his life,
and in his eyes I saw him cry.
He was not afraid of dying,
just the lingering thought of why.
I saw him bid farewell to life,
and all that he adored.
I looked into his eyes once more,
to know he was with the Lord.

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